The first European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
(EuCAP 2006)
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Instructions to Authors for the Preparation of Papers

The Proceedings of the conference will be published by ESA’s Publications Division as Special Publication SP-626 on CD-ROM. Authors should be aware that they are fully responsible for the claims and contents of their papers since the Proceedings constitute a camera-ready publication. Authors, by submitting their papers, assign to ESA all rights under copyright that may exist in and to the work in the submitted papers.

Authors must deliver their full camera-ready papers by 19 July 2006 as electronic ‘PDF’ files to the dedicated FTP site. Please read the instructions carefully --> "authors_sp626.pdf". They contain important information on the PDF preparation and paper submission.

Macros and templates are available on the ESA Publications conference Proceedings website at The Editor of the Conference Proceedings is Huguette Lacoste - e-mail:

The ESA ftp server is not accessible via a web browser. You must use an ftp application.
If you don't have one, here are some links to freeware applications available on the web:
  • CoffeeCup
  • FreeFTP
  • FTP - Navigator

All papers included in the EuCAP Proceedings will be released for publication on IEEE Xplore six months after publication.